Soil is the basic environmental element of the ecosystem and the material basis for human survival and development, so it is important to strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution and analysis of physical and chemical properties. In addition, soil as the basis of agricultural development, agriculture also has a pivotal role, what kind of soil is suitable for what kind of crops, to absorb the crop growth process and what elements are still missing, etc. can be detected through soil analysis to obtain results.
The plasticity index is the difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit, which reflects the degree of interaction between soil particles and water. In general, the greater the plasticity index, the more plastic the soil is, the greater the compressibility and the lower the permeability. The plasticity index affects crop root growth, nutrient uptake, conversion, and effective utilization, and ultimately limits crop yield. This is why Lifeasible offers our customers a soil plasticity index test as an important addition to our soil testing services.
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