Norwegian Air Cancellation policy varies according to the type of ticket you order. If you choose a return ticket, you will receive a refund in your bank account. But if you choose an unpaid ticket, you will not be able to withdraw your money from your account for expiration.
A passenger can complete a flight with Norwegian Air within 24 hours of booking.
The passenger can complete the flight within 24 hours of the scheduled departure.
If the flight is delayed by more than 3 years, the host may terminate the flight and request a refund.
A cancellation fee is specified for termination.
You cannot terminate an economy class license because it is non-refundable.
this was all about Norwegian air Cancellation Policy To find out more about the flight or other services, you can contact the registration company. Representatives will assist you with a variety of Norwegian flights and inquiries. You can contact the support team using the contact information provided online. Use the services to your liking, because support services are available around the clock.